East West Players Asian American Theatre (EWP)
- Classes at EWP are underway:
- The Fundamentals of Acting Series has begun. Join the series and become eligible to be cast in our annual EWP Studio Lab Project. Apply your skills to the rehearsal and public performance process at the end of the series.
- We have grown to have a two-tiered Voice and Speech course. There is a beginning Fitzmaurice Voicework course and I teach the Intermediate/Advanced course for those with experience in voice and speech work and/or who are working professionals. This work will jump start your acting and/or creative careers! Plan to join us!
- www.eastwestplayers.org click on education and conservatory
- I am slated to direct the next EWP School Tour Show. The tour usually rehearses late January, early February. I am very excited! The play is currently in development. Stay tuned for updates!
- It is official that I'll be heading to OSF in April to fulfill an assistant directing position under director, Christopher Liam Moore. The show is "The Very Merry Wives of Windsor, Iowa." The adaptation is by Alison Carey and the show will perform on the Elizabethean outdoor stage. I am so excited I'll be working with top-notch artists to gain experience and expertise as a director! http://www.osfashland.org/index.aspx
- Fitzmaurice Voicework goes to Vancouver BC for it's second annual International Freedom and Focus Conference.
- I am co-director of the conference with Noah Drew. Both native Northwesterners, we are eager to show-off our beautiful environment and pristine air. What better place to free up the breath and the voice?
- Look for more details soon and plan to join us in late July or early August!http://freedomandfocusconference.org/Freedom_and_Focus/Welcome.html
- A core group of artists of color continue to meet to strategize and plan for the next TCG Conference next summer.
- Strategies for increased visibility and diversity throughout the theatre industry are currently underway.
- October 21st is the launch date for an industry-wide survey to garner information for further advocacy and strategizing. Leave a comment and way to reach you if you are a POC in the theatre industry and would like to receive a survey to support POC development and visibility.
- Exciting new plans for are forming. Check back for updates!
that's interesting